Present your ideas on SuperBrain!

Present your ideas on SuperBrain!

Are you working on a research project that you would like to present? Are you part of a traveling exhibition, a science truck or a workshop? Then apply now with your idea for SuperBrain! We are looking for ideas for stand space, interactive concepts for knowledge transfer, colorful and exciting presentation concepts and so on – there are no limits. The more colorful, nerdy and innovative the concepts, the better!

The deadline for applications is 21.04.2025

Last year, the following institutions were involved in the SuperBrain exhibition and stage program: Deutsches Museum Munich, Technical University Munich – Venture Labs, TUM Weihenstephan, Helmholtz Munich, Science Fiction Festival Munich, Experimenta Heilbronn, Fast Forward Science, Methodisch Inkorrekt Podcast, Joachim Hecker from Sendung mit der Maus

Auch interessant


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