KulturPass einlösen & auf dem SUPERBLOOM feiern

KulturPass einlösen & auf dem SUPERBLOOM feiern

What is KulturPass?

The KulturPass is an offer from the German government for all German citizens who celebrate their 18th birthday in 2023. You will receive a budget of 200 euros, which you can redeem for cultural offers such as theatres, museums, cinemas or the SUPERBLOOM.

You can only use your KulturPass balance if you verified your account before December 31, 2024. If you've already done so, you can still redeem your remaining balance.

How do I register for the KulturPass?

  • Download the KulturPass app from the App Store or Play Store
  • You can find all information about registration directly in the app or at www.kulturpass.de
  • Search for SUPERBLOOM FESTIVAL and reserve your ticket using the "Reserve" button
  • Afterwards, please send us an email to the following address: ticketing@goodlive.ag with the following data:
  • Your first and last name
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your order number (you can find this in your KulturPass account)
  • We will then send you an e-mail with your ticket, which must be activated in your Ticketmaster account
  • Your ticket is now stored in your Ticketmaster account.

If you have any questions, please contact ticketing@goodlive.ag

See you on 30 & 31 August!

Auch interessant


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